Migrating to Two Levels of Categories
- Last updated on June 17, 2019 at 6:59 AM
Content is Elevio is organised across two levels of categories. We frequently refer to the top level category as the Parent Category, and the second level category as the subcategory.
Having two levels of categories is in line with the vast majority of our integration partners. Furthermore, other features like restrictions and linking are built into a two category structure.
If you are migrating your content from a three tier category structure, we do have some solutions that you can try out, to help you migrate your content to two levels of categories:
- Flatten the third level categories' articles in the second level categories' articles
If your third level articles are relatively short, then you can combine all third level articles within a third level category into a second level article, prefixing each with a subheader. At the top of each second level article, you can then create a Contents section that links to each subheader in the article. - Prefix subcategory/article titles with their existing parent category's title
For the below suggestions, let's use the below outline as an example existing structure that requires migration from three to two levels of categories.
The number of dashes (-) denote the category level, i.e. -- refers to a second level category. The arrow (>) denotes an article.
Existing Example Structure:
- About Us
- Your Account
-- Updating your Details
-- Order Management
--- Refund Policy
> Eligibility for Refunds
--- Tracking Your Orders
> Order is Missing
> How to Track Your Order
> Tracking Link Does Not Work
Modifying this structure is then as easy as trying out one of the following two suggestions:- Place the 3rd Level Category Title in the 2nd Level Article Title, e.g.:
- About Us
- Your Account
-- Updating your Details
-- Order Management
> Refund Policy: Eligibility for Refunds
> Tracking: Order is Missing
> Tracking: How to Track your Order
> Tracking: Tracking Link Does Not Work - Prefix the Category Title with its Previous Parent Category's Title:
- About Us
- Your Account - Updating your Details
- Your Account - Order Management
-- Refund Policy
> Eligibility for Refunds
-- Tracking Your Orders
> Order is Missing
> How to Track Your Order
> Tracking Link Does Not Work
- Place the 3rd Level Category Title in the 2nd Level Article Title, e.g.:
Hopefully these suggestions help you as they've helped our other customers! If anything doesn't make sense, feel free to create a support ticket and let us know.