Sept '23: Potential Reporting Issues Due to AWS Maintenance
- Last updated on September 21, 2023 at 10:57 PM
This article explains an issue that may affect Elevio's reporting statistics and what caused it. If you are experiencing a similar issue, this article will provide you with the information you need to understand the problem and what has been done to fix it.
The Issue
If you have noticed a sudden drop in your Elevio reporting statistics, it is possible that your data has been affected by an issue that occurred during the weekend of September 16th-18th, 2023.
During this time, AWS (our hosting provider) was performing planned maintenance on their servers, which once completed should have triggered an event processor to come back online.
Unfortunately, the trigger never arrived, causing a gap in reporting.
The Resolution
We have resolved this issue by manually reinstating the event processor. This is the first time in 7+ years we've been with AWS, however we have still implemented specific alerts in the rare event this should happen again.
However, we were only able to replay 24 hours worth of events through the queue to process as reporting data after we resolved the issue, which means there is a gap in reporting for the period between September 16th-18th, 2023.
What to Do If You Are Affected
If you believe that your Elevio reporting statistics have been affected by this issue, please be aware that there may be a gap in your data for the period between September 16th-18th, 2023.
Unfortunately, there is no way to recover this missing data. However, we have taken steps to ensure that this issue does not occur again in the future.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this issue may have caused.
Our team is committed to providing you with accurate and reliable reporting statistics, and we are taking steps to prevent issues like this from occurring in the future. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.