Using a custom font in your Knowledge Base

  • Last updated on September 13, 2023 at 11:14 PM


While we provide a set of fonts for you to select as quick options, sometimes you may want to use a particular font that is not on tha tlist.

This article will show how you can do this, using Google Fonts as an example.

How to

To use a custom font follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Appearance tab in the Customize page under Hosted Knowledge Base (or click here).
  2. Enable the 'Enable advanced options' setting at the bottom of the tab.
  3. Scroll down to the 'Custom CSS' section and paste the following code:
@import url('');

body { 
  font-family: FONTNAME !important; 

Replace 'FONTNAME' with the name of the font you want to add.

This will change the font for the whole site, you could of course only change it for certain headings etc by using different CSS rules.

Once you've completed these steps and saved your changes, your custom font should be displayed on your knowledge base (there may be some delay while the cache clears).

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