Connecting with Help Scout

  • Last updated on October 4, 2022 at 3:06 AM

Setting up the connection

To connect with Help Scout, first you'll need to create a new API key to allow elevio access to manage support tickets.

To do so, from the dropdown in the top right of your Help Scout account, click the your profile option.

From your left menu that appears, click on API Keys

Click on the blue "Generate an API Key" button, this will create a new API key for you, that you should give a label like "elevio" for your reference.

Use this new key as your Tickets API Key

Use your Docs API Key in Help Scout as the Docs API Key in elevio.

Selecting your mailbox and sites to sync

With Help Scout, you have the option of setting up multiple knowledge base sites, as well as multiple mailboxes for incoming mail.

You can select one mailbox from the list of available options, and we'll send any incoming support tickets through to that mailbox when submitted through elevio.

You can select as many of your documentation sites to sync content with, and when it comes time to perform a sync, we'll grab content from each of the sites you've selected

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