Connecting with Salesforce

  • Last updated on June 6, 2022 at 12:53 AM

The Salesforce integration is in limited Beta but can be used to submit and see cases within the Support Module:

  1. You'll need to ensure that have Email-To-Case enabled on your Salesforce account first (see here for how to)
  2. Hit the connect button on
    you'll then be directed to a page to confirm the connection between Elevio and Salesforce
  3. Once you've setup the integration, head to the modules screen and create a new Support module, and select Salesforce from the provider dropdown.

    FYI If you wish to allow your users to see their open cases you'll need to make sure to log the user into the Assistant prior to setting this up
FYI: Content Sync is not available with Salesforce at this time

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