Creating a Team

  • Last updated on April 9, 2020 at 7:15 AM

Note: if you'd like to learn a bit more about teams in general, please head here.

To create a team, you can hover over the gear in your left hand side Elevio menu and select 'Teams', or just click here.

From there, hit the create team button and give your team a name.

Then, select the categories you'd like to give your team access to, and whether you'd like to grant full publishing or just edit permissions to those in the team.

Now it's time to select which of your teammates you'd like to add to this team.

Please keep in mind, if a user already has permissions to edit an article, they will still be able to. The purpose of teams is to allow users who don't have any edit access to be allowed to edit the articles added to their team.

To read more about how to give users various permissions in Elevio, please click here.

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